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  • Synthesis of Graphene and MMA Nanocomposite for Electrical Properties
Journal of Current Engineering and Allied Science

Volume: 1(1), October 2018, Pages: 26-28

Synthesis of Graphene and MMA Nanocomposite for Electrical Properties

Received 23 June 2018; accepted 12 Sep 2018

Available online 3 Oct 2018


Currently electronic material is essential for human life so that conducting polymer is measured an excellent application. In this study, functionalized graphene  (GE) grafted with Methyl methacrylate (MMA) Chemical compound was prepared having excellent electrical conductivity properties. Electrical conductivity behaviour was measured by using 4-probe-in-line, 1.75 wt% F-GE into MMA, the conductivity at 370C increases from 1.11 to 8×10-4 S/cm.


Graphene., MMA., Conductivity

1. Introduction

Graphene (GE) is carbon compound which is a conducting base polymer. Generally it is used for conducting material. Currently conducting polymer material is a general issue in present market. Today, GE has more attention of research; because it indicates more potentiality for use in different emerging areas including polymer composites (Zhan et al., 2014; Patole et al., 2013).

GE nanocomposites and its derivatives have been developed, based on a range of polymers .The main efficient property of GE  are reflected in f-GE nanocomposites, showing greater chemical, physical, mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties compared to the other carbon polymer (Potts et al., 2011).


Figure. 1. Reaction scheme used in the synthesis of GE-MMA

In this study, GE and MMA, and investigate its physical and electrical properties for different compositions. Chemical modifications of GE-MMA nanocomposite are determined fig.1.

2. Material and Method

2.1. Materials

 Methyl methacrylate (MMA) and GE were purchased from sigma Aldrich. Other reagents like ammonium persulfate (APS), hydrochloric, sulfuric and nitric acid (Sigma Chemicals) were of analytical grade.

2.2. Synthesis of Functionalized Graphene

Functionalized graphene (F-GE) was synthesized as described in the recent literature. GE was reacted with H2SO4:HNO3 (3:1), then tip sonicated for 30 minutes using an ultrasonic processor with amplitude at 30% and 7s pulse to yield carboxylic acid functionalized GE (GE-COOH).

2.3. Synthesis of GE-MMA Grafted Derivative

GE (0.1 g) was again reacted with K2S2O8 (0.02 g) and MMA,  (8 ml) in 2% acetic acid solution at 75 °C for 2 h to form the nanocomposite product GE-MMA. The final product was prepared by centrifuging at 20,000 rpm and washing the sample twice with water before drying at 90 °C.

3. Characterization

3.1. X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

The change in gallery height of the blend was investigated, which were carried out using X-ray diffractometer (BEDE D-3 system) with Cu Ka radiation at a generator voltage of 40 kV and a generator current of 100 mA. Samples were scanned from 2θ = 1–10o at a scanning rate of 2o/min.

3.2. Electrical conductivity

The electrical conductivity was measured using 4 probe method. (Tjong et al., 2014).

4. Result

4.1. XRD

In figure.2a shows the recorded XRD spectrum of F-GE with diffraction peaks appearing at 46.3°, 48.9°, 58.8°. Additionally XRD spectrum of MMA with diffraction peaks appearing at 30°, 35°, 54°. Using these peaks as spectral signatures, it can determine the presence of MMA and its crystal state in the composite. Fig. 2c shows the XRD pattern of the composite F-GE-MMA producing multiple peaks corresponding to 2θ at 23, 47 and 54° due to the presence of MMA along with GE.

4.2. Conductivity of MMA/F-GE by four probe method

In fig. 3, the conductivity of MMA synthesized in the presence of hydrochloric acid at 370C is of 1.11× 10-4 S/cm. The addition of 1.75 wt% F-GE into MMA, the conductivity at 370C increases from 1.11 to 8×10-4 S/cm due to the π–π* interaction between the surface of F-GE which effectively improves the degree of electron delocalization between the two polymer (Ye et al., 2015; Mohindar et al., 2017).

Figure. 2. XRD measurements of (a) F-GE (b) MMA, and (c) F-GE-MMA composite

Figure.3. Conductivity versus the weight percent of MMA /F-GE composites

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, MMA having good ion-exchange and electrically semi-conducting properties has been successfully. The F-GE nanocomposite can be used in electrical and electronic applications.


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