Journal of Advance Nanobiotechnology
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Our Subject

Journal of Advance Nanobiotechnology (JAN) is an international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary online journal published in bimonthly in the months of Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct,Dec . The journal accepts Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Report and Short Report.

Submitted original research papers should represent a novel and important contribution to the understanding of any area of Nanotechnology, biological and medical research and provide mechanistic insights into the process.

All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.

Scope of the Article

The journal has a special focus on Biotechnology , Nanotechnology, Medical Science, Microbiology, Plant tissue culture, cell and molecular aspect of physiology, genetics, pharmacology, environmental physiology. Although preference is given to manuscripts presenting the findings of original research, review and methodological pieces will also be considered.